Interactive Training

Introducing MaxTAF’s innovative training facilities, driven by user interface automation.

Using MaxTAF’s familiar record-and-play script builder, as well as a little bit of configuration, we can build interactive training materials and how-to documentation with ease.

Long term maintenance, a typical challenge with training solutions, is also easy-to-do, meaning keeping materials up-to-date is a breeze.


By leveraging MaxTAF’s powerful and accessible toolkit, rapidly build and publish training materials and usage documentation for your system.

What to expect with MaxTAF for Training?

Richer, more effective class-based training.

Effective ‘independent-learning’ training materials.

Long lasting and easily maintained system documentation and reference material.

Solution spotlight

What sets MaxTAF apart for training IBM Maximo & MAS?

Easy-to-build, easy-to-maintain

By leveraging MaxTAF’s best in class automation recorder, and easy to use low-code MXML, developing materials and maintaining them long term is far easier to achieve than traditional training facilities.


  • Rapid training materials development: Scripts made with MaxTAF recorder are 5-6x more rapidly developed than with other approaches or less “Maximo specialised” solutions
  • High flexibility: MaxTAF is not prescriptive in how you use it, offering opportunities to craft your training exactly how you like it.
  • Long term maintainability: unlike other Screenshot-based, or written training materials, MaxTAF enables far easier maintenance, leading to less time spent configuring, and more time spent on your critical asset management mission.

Interactive training on a live system

By being conducted on the live Maximo system, trainees benefit from a ‘hands-on’ experience, enriching their onboarding experience and offering rapid familiarity with your organisations processes and Maximo system.


  • The real thing: by training users on the real system, there is a reduced chance for confusing, or misleading training, as well as an enhanced experience.
  • Faster learning: Having the ability to be hands-on with the system, and having the ability to run and re-run scripts at their leisure, users can rapidly familiarize themselves with the information.
  • Simplicity first approach: The fundamental nature of MaxTAF’s training solution means that following the materials is an intuitive and simple approach, making training refreshing and enjoyable experience.