Performance testing (turnkey service)

MaxTAF’s Performance testing service is designed to provide credible system-under-load testing quickly and effectively.

We take an ’emulation’ approach to performance testing, which allows us to create a ‘close-to-real-life’ picture of your Maximo system. This enables reliable, believable results.

As a turnkey service, everything is covered from set-up, to execution to reporting. All you need to do is tell us what you need tested!

phone and laptop image


Benefit from rapidly established & bespoke performance testing, with unlimted scalability, on-the-fly modification and easy-to-understand results.

How it works

These are typical Maximo user workflows which will provide the ’emulation’ of users in the system during the test.

Performance scenario development

We work with you to define and specify the nature of the performance tests. Out-of-the-box, there are two varieties:

Performance test execution(s)

We work with you over the course of an intensive performance testing session, executing multiple tests, gathering data and producing reports.

This gives you a full and credible picture of your system’s performance.

During this time we can tweak and fine tune the performance test live, in case you wish to see different scenarios.

Results reporting

We collate and present the data and findings from the tests in easy-to-read reports.

Data collected can be agreed upon, but typical metrics include CPU & Memory usage, as well as durations of how long it takes for certain parts of Maximo to be put together.

Data is presented in tabular and timeline format.

Service highlights

What sets MaxTAF apart for performance testing IBM Maximo & MAS?

Emulation vs. Simulation

MaxTAF deploys an emulation approach, where possible, to provide as close-to-real life performance testing as possible.

What is it?

Using automated UI scripts, MaxTAF provides user emulation in all performance tests. This is a superior option to other varieties of performace “simulation”, which simply mock-up the HTTP traffic that a system faces.


  • Credible tests
  • User Journeys bespoke to your Maximo workflows
  • Confidence in test

Maximum service flexibility

The MaxTAF platform drives this performance testing service, and it is packed with features and functionality to enable rapidly produced yet highly credible performance testing, specified and scaled to your exact requirements.

What is it?

The MaxTAF platform is designed to allow users to orchestrate the execution of automation scripts precisely to specification. This allows us to create highly specific and bespoke performance scenarios.


  • Unlimited Scalability
  • Agile and flexible
  • Continual improvement