
What is PageIntel?

PageIntel is a cutting-edge Chrome extension designed to seamlessly integrate a Generative AI model like ChatGPT into your web browsing experience.

PageIntel let’s AI become your browsing sidekick, giving insights and suggestions during your day-to-day activities via one-click
“AI tasks.”

AI tasks can be anything you like, can be pre-written, re-used, and shared with your team, and most of all can use the data from your web page and other related data sources.

By sending your page and related data alongside your prompt, you are giving AI the context it needs to give you highly informed, useful and relevant responses.

Feature highlights

Why adopt PageIntel into your Generative AI toolkit?

By storing pre-written AI tasks and having them ready-to-go at the click of a button, we can speed up and optimize our AI collaboration workflows.

We can use PageIntel to centralize the usage of Generative AI, meaning that one person’s prompt-engineering efforts can be utilized by the entire organization.

By pre-writing our prompts and data sourcing, we can effectively govern the reliability, precision, trustworthiness and effectiveness of AI usage in our organisation.

PageIntel Benefits

At MaxTAF, a key research and development focus is on the applications of Generative AI in the automation space.

We are continually producing and refining our tools to work closely with our automation products, but we are also exploring new ways that we can provide the IT space with useful tools.

In light of that, have released an exciting open-source chrome extension called PageIntel.

PageIntel enables you to use web page content in ChatGPT (and other text based generative AIs) prompts – this allows our users to automatically leverage some of the strengths of AI in their day-to-day browser based activities.